Thursday, 20 October 2011

The last Guides before my sister starts :(

Hello, I haven't been posting lately due to course work and homework swamping me!
But My Olympic night was good fun!
Any way tonight was the last night before my little sister (Mary) moves up to my guides unit, and I will never again be free :( , her last brownie night was last night and she organised it, she did a brownies version of the dragons den, but in this version everyone wins!

I haven't got much else to say at the moment but tomorrow is a big trip meeting so I will tell you all about that when I have a chance!!!

Shout out to Sophie Watson and Bromwin Jones!!


Friday, 16 September 2011

A nice surprise!

Last night I got a nice surprise I have (somehow) completed half my BP! We quickly completed the agility badge in ten minutes! that must be a world record and that has gone towards it! Also I have got a set date for my mini Olympics  how does everyone making flags the week before the night for the opening ceremony sound? I really need Ideas for Prizes along with medals any ideas? Not much else to say other then Grease Lightning!

My school is Producing Grease this year! Hope I get a part!

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PS I am still looking for some co writers if anyone in guiding is interested! :)

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Back into the school stream!


As you know over the holidays I only had to Guiding trips! a 5 day camp and Curtain up! (Oliver was this years curtain up! I played Charlotte! the Undertakers daughter :) ) but now (well since wednesday!) I am back at school which means Guides will be starting again next week! YAY! and as a cherry on top of the cream I have earn't myself a place on the county trip: Pootle around Europe! where in a week we shall visit 5-6 different Cities in different countries in Europe! Including joining up with the Pootle to Paris trip at the end! It is exciting and I can't wait!

Also Abby has a new blog for her new start in Rangers so please go follow her!
It will be just as good if not better then her previous blog:

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From Sarah!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Holidays almost guiding free!

The reason I haven't really been posting really is because there hasn't been much to post! I have been to one camp (which was 5 days and 4 nights) since the start of the holidays! and I don't have another until September! But lucky Abby has gone to the 22nd World Scout Jamboree! and I can't wait to talk to her when she gets back! Her blog is:

I will post soon if anything Guiding happens!!

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Friday, 15 July 2011

The ups and downs of the past week or so!


You know when some one asks you "What do you want first the good or bad news?" and you almost always say bad news first as it will be made better by the good news afterwards! Well I thought I would start with the weeks downs :(

  • My unit has not got tickets to big gig.
  • My home made ice cream turned out as a milkshake
And now this Weeks ups! :D
  • I got a PINK camping tripod stool!! 
  • I got my (Very long) Camp Kit list!
  • We have made Ginger beer, Lemonade and Burgers at Guides for the Wacky Sports day/ Barbecue next week
  • My Ice cream/Milkshake was gorgeous!!Yummy!
  • I am really excited about Camp!
  • There are only three more days in Lower school uniform left!
As you can see the ups out way the downs even though not going to Big Gig is really horrible :'( there is still lots of good things going on!

Any way I am looking for some more writers for my blog (hopefully someone who is going to Big Gig) so that there will be loads more for you to read and always some one to write when I am away from my computer! So if you would like to be a writer for my blog please e-mail me at and please attatch proof of your being in Guiding i.e. Promise certificate.

Sarah Darley

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Just recovering from Camp!


Camp was so much fun! it was based on the Guiders International experiences which of course meant a hurricane and Quiditch! We had to make equipment, cook on a fire and use tents that were probably older then Guideacres! but it was so much fun (even the six mile walk to camp was fun)especially the Hurricane at 6:30am we had five minutes to grab emergency supplies (plate bag and change of clothes for me) then we were "Evacuated" to some trees where we had to get a shelter put up! but ours kept on falling down so we just surrounded ourselves in the plastic untill we were told we must have a proper shelter or else, so we finally got one up and the leaders threw water straight threw the entrance! lovely!

Not much else to say!

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Saturday, 2 July 2011

All Packed and Ready to go!!


Today is the "International Selection Camp"! I can't wait, I am all packed and there is one problem :( the I don't need to set off untill 9:15 which is 45mins away!! so I am slowly turning hyper! I just can't wait!
Other then that not much to say so wish me luck with getting on the County International team!!

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