Saturday, 7 May 2011

63 Days to go!!! and a mascot at hand!!

Hello Again!

I thought today I would write about mascots! Our Unit (1st Driffield) has an unofficial mascot, which belongs to, me called Mervin, or as all the Guides call him Moosey. He is known by all the Guides in our unit as he goes on every trip we go on! But he is not allowed to travel to people unless I give him permission, this means he has been on more Guide trips then me!

I Do own a lot of Guide Teddies that are freely allowed to Travel! (thats where they all stay together!)
 Thats Jo in the Hoodie
 Thats Skye in the Centenary top
 Thats Snow Flake in the Big Gig top
 Thats Cloud (not to get mixed up with Skye)
 This is Toffee in the old Guide Top
 That is Beth in the Guide Polo
And This is Candy in the Pink Big Gig top!

If you want to have any of my teddies visit you please comment below and tell  me why!

Comment Below and don't forget to follow!


  1. awww there all so cute I only have a small brownie teddy clip! and ducky of course!

  2. YES I KNOW! I wish Ducky Could Come with me to YELL then he could meet Mervin!
