Its two hours since the end of Guides! At Guides we are doing the Spring part of our Four seasons badge and as part of that we made Kites (and flew them by a lot of running and spinning around)! There was no wind so we looked like a lot of raving loonies running and screaming at the Kites to fly (actually it might just have been me screaming :P ) it was so much fun that it took up almost the whole night! we only just had enough time for a quick game of rounders were we lost a ball found another and drained a flooded part of the play ground! and my team won! so all in all it was a really good night!!
Now I thought I would talk to you about Camps! After YELL was cancelled I thought that would mean no more camps for the rest of the year as I didn't have any lined up! But I might just have turned it around what do you think?
- International Selection Weekend (2nd to 3rd July)
- Kilham Guides Camp (23rd to 28th July)
- Curtain up! (2nd to 4th September)
- Big Gig 2011 (2nd October)
- Unit Sleepover (November)
What camps have you got lined up?
Comment Below and don't forget to Follow!
Wow Thats a lot of camps going on!