Friday, 17 June 2011

T-shirt Time!!


So last night was my very first BP night!! T-Shirt time! and it went quite well...I think :)

 We decorated T-shirts using lots of random things and fabric pens!
 When my time had finished nobody wanted to move onto the next activity!
Here are our T-shirts!!!

Here is me and mine!!
I had some "help" with mine, I let a guide who forgot her t-shirt decorate the back of mine with me as I had a clear image of the front it has the promise on it with a campfire and tent!! Anyway she put PASTAFISH in big capitals on the top the a peace symbol with a fish on it in the middle and A.K.A. PACAFIST on the bottom!!

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1 comment:

  1. It looks like it went really well! Well done it can be hard running part of a meeting!
