Hello, I haven't been posting lately due to course work and homework swamping me!
But My Olympic night was good fun!
Any way tonight was the last night before my little sister (Mary) moves up to my guides unit, and I will never again be free :( , her last brownie night was last night and she organised it, she did a brownies version of the dragons den, but in this version everyone wins!
I haven't got much else to say at the moment but tomorrow is a big trip meeting so I will tell you all about that when I have a chance!!!
Shout out to Sophie Watson and Bromwin Jones!!
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Friday, 16 September 2011
A nice surprise!
Last night I got a nice surprise I have (somehow) completed half my BP! We quickly completed the agility badge in ten minutes! that must be a world record and that has gone towards it! Also I have got a set date for my mini Olympics how does everyone making flags the week before the night for the opening ceremony sound? I really need Ideas for Prizes along with medals any ideas? Not much else to say other then Grease Lightning!
My school is Producing Grease this year! Hope I get a part!
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PS I am still looking for some co writers if anyone in guiding is interested! :)
My school is Producing Grease this year! Hope I get a part!
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PS I am still looking for some co writers if anyone in guiding is interested! :)
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Back into the school stream!
As you know over the holidays I only had to Guiding trips! a 5 day camp and Curtain up! (Oliver was this years curtain up! I played Charlotte! the Undertakers daughter :) ) but now (well since wednesday!) I am back at school which means Guides will be starting again next week! YAY! and as a cherry on top of the cream I have earn't myself a place on the county trip: Pootle around Europe! where in a week we shall visit 5-6 different Cities in different countries in Europe! Including joining up with the Pootle to Paris trip at the end! It is exciting and I can't wait!
Also Abby has a new blog for her new start in Rangers so please go follow her! http://myguidingadventure.blogspot.com/
It will be just as good if not better then her previous blog:
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From Sarah!
As you know over the holidays I only had to Guiding trips! a 5 day camp and Curtain up! (Oliver was this years curtain up! I played Charlotte! the Undertakers daughter :) ) but now (well since wednesday!) I am back at school which means Guides will be starting again next week! YAY! and as a cherry on top of the cream I have earn't myself a place on the county trip: Pootle around Europe! where in a week we shall visit 5-6 different Cities in different countries in Europe! Including joining up with the Pootle to Paris trip at the end! It is exciting and I can't wait!
Also Abby has a new blog for her new start in Rangers so please go follow her! http://myguidingadventure.blogspot.com/
It will be just as good if not better then her previous blog:
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From Sarah!
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Holidays almost guiding free!
The reason I haven't really been posting really is because there hasn't been much to post! I have been to one camp (which was 5 days and 4 nights) since the start of the holidays! and I don't have another until September! But lucky Abby has gone to the 22nd World Scout Jamboree! and I can't wait to talk to her when she gets back! Her blog is: http://aguidingjourney.blogspot.com/
I will post soon if anything Guiding happens!!
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The reason I haven't really been posting really is because there hasn't been much to post! I have been to one camp (which was 5 days and 4 nights) since the start of the holidays! and I don't have another until September! But lucky Abby has gone to the 22nd World Scout Jamboree! and I can't wait to talk to her when she gets back! Her blog is: http://aguidingjourney.blogspot.com/
I will post soon if anything Guiding happens!!
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Friday, 15 July 2011
The ups and downs of the past week or so!
You know when some one asks you "What do you want first the good or bad news?" and you almost always say bad news first as it will be made better by the good news afterwards! Well I thought I would start with the weeks downs :(
You know when some one asks you "What do you want first the good or bad news?" and you almost always say bad news first as it will be made better by the good news afterwards! Well I thought I would start with the weeks downs :(
- My unit has not got tickets to big gig.
- My home made ice cream turned out as a milkshake
And now this Weeks ups! :D
- I got a PINK camping tripod stool!!
- I got my (Very long) Camp Kit list!
- We have made Ginger beer, Lemonade and Burgers at Guides for the Wacky Sports day/ Barbecue next week
- My Ice cream/Milkshake was gorgeous!!Yummy!
- I am really excited about Camp!
- There are only three more days in Lower school uniform left!
As you can see the ups out way the downs even though not going to Big Gig is really horrible :'( there is still lots of good things going on!
Any way I am looking for some more writers for my blog (hopefully someone who is going to Big Gig) so that there will be loads more for you to read and always some one to write when I am away from my computer! So if you would like to be a writer for my blog please e-mail me at tiddlepush@hotmail.co.uk and please attatch proof of your being in Guiding i.e. Promise certificate.
Sarah Darley
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Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Just recovering from Camp!
Camp was so much fun! it was based on the Guiders International experiences which of course meant a hurricane and Quiditch! We had to make equipment, cook on a fire and use tents that were probably older then Guideacres! but it was so much fun (even the six mile walk to camp was fun)especially the Hurricane at 6:30am we had five minutes to grab emergency supplies (plate bag and change of clothes for me) then we were "Evacuated" to some trees where we had to get a shelter put up! but ours kept on falling down so we just surrounded ourselves in the plastic untill we were told we must have a proper shelter or else, so we finally got one up and the leaders threw water straight threw the entrance! lovely!
Not much else to say!
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Camp was so much fun! it was based on the Guiders International experiences which of course meant a hurricane and Quiditch! We had to make equipment, cook on a fire and use tents that were probably older then Guideacres! but it was so much fun (even the six mile walk to camp was fun)especially the Hurricane at 6:30am we had five minutes to grab emergency supplies (plate bag and change of clothes for me) then we were "Evacuated" to some trees where we had to get a shelter put up! but ours kept on falling down so we just surrounded ourselves in the plastic untill we were told we must have a proper shelter or else, so we finally got one up and the leaders threw water straight threw the entrance! lovely!
Not much else to say!
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Saturday, 2 July 2011
All Packed and Ready to go!!
Today is the "International Selection Camp"! I can't wait, I am all packed and there is one problem :( the I don't need to set off untill 9:15 which is 45mins away!! so I am slowly turning hyper! I just can't wait!
Other then that not much to say so wish me luck with getting on the County International team!!
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Today is the "International Selection Camp"! I can't wait, I am all packed and there is one problem :( the I don't need to set off untill 9:15 which is 45mins away!! so I am slowly turning hyper! I just can't wait!
Other then that not much to say so wish me luck with getting on the County International team!!
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Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Sarah's Deciples!?!?!?!
In the time from my last post to this quite a lot has happened! For one I have got my year nine options back (options are what we call our extra GCSE subjects that we get to choose) Next year along with all my compulsory subjects I will be doing Spanish (come in handy if I go with Guides), History (remember my WW2 project?) and Fine art! I will have to take some pictures of my sketch book to put on here! though at the moment I am mainly drawing Gnomes (I <3 Gnomeo and Juliet!) so there are a lot of stills from Gnomeo and Juliet and some Gnomes I made up in my head like the ones off my facebook (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1988365185246.2115734.1126815952)
Also I have joined the Out door team challenge (again as I did it last year and got soaked)! The final list of the teams was drawn out of a hat! I screamed when my name was read out! When we had a team discussion (Team B for me) I was voted the "Captain!" of (and I had no say in the name) Sarah's Deciples! a bit cringe worthy since it makes me a deciple of...well ME!!
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In the time from my last post to this quite a lot has happened! For one I have got my year nine options back (options are what we call our extra GCSE subjects that we get to choose) Next year along with all my compulsory subjects I will be doing Spanish (come in handy if I go with Guides), History (remember my WW2 project?) and Fine art! I will have to take some pictures of my sketch book to put on here! though at the moment I am mainly drawing Gnomes (I <3 Gnomeo and Juliet!) so there are a lot of stills from Gnomeo and Juliet and some Gnomes I made up in my head like the ones off my facebook (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1988365185246.2115734.1126815952)
Also I have joined the Out door team challenge (again as I did it last year and got soaked)! The final list of the teams was drawn out of a hat! I screamed when my name was read out! When we had a team discussion (Team B for me) I was voted the "Captain!" of (and I had no say in the name) Sarah's Deciples! a bit cringe worthy since it makes me a deciple of...well ME!!
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Thursday, 23 June 2011
Lets Go Fly a Kite! ...Maybe to Camp :-)
Its two hours since the end of Guides! At Guides we are doing the Spring part of our Four seasons badge and as part of that we made Kites (and flew them by a lot of running and spinning around)! There was no wind so we looked like a lot of raving loonies running and screaming at the Kites to fly (actually it might just have been me screaming :P ) it was so much fun that it took up almost the whole night! we only just had enough time for a quick game of rounders were we lost a ball found another and drained a flooded part of the play ground! and my team won! so all in all it was a really good night!!
Now I thought I would talk to you about Camps! After YELL was cancelled I thought that would mean no more camps for the rest of the year as I didn't have any lined up! But I might just have turned it around what do you think?
What camps have you got lined up?
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Its two hours since the end of Guides! At Guides we are doing the Spring part of our Four seasons badge and as part of that we made Kites (and flew them by a lot of running and spinning around)! There was no wind so we looked like a lot of raving loonies running and screaming at the Kites to fly (actually it might just have been me screaming :P ) it was so much fun that it took up almost the whole night! we only just had enough time for a quick game of rounders were we lost a ball found another and drained a flooded part of the play ground! and my team won! so all in all it was a really good night!!
Now I thought I would talk to you about Camps! After YELL was cancelled I thought that would mean no more camps for the rest of the year as I didn't have any lined up! But I might just have turned it around what do you think?
- International Selection Weekend (2nd to 3rd July)
- Kilham Guides Camp (23rd to 28th July)
- Curtain up! (2nd to 4th September)
- Big Gig 2011 (2nd October)
- Unit Sleepover (November)
What camps have you got lined up?
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Saturday, 18 June 2011
I absolutely love my Pen Pals!!
This is my second post about pen pals! In my first I was looking for a pen pal and that is how I got into contact with Abby Williams my very first Pen pal! We are still constantly messaging each other through facebook, Blog comments, MSN, Email and post!
After meeting Abby I also put a post on the WAGGGS Facebook wall and it resulted in three more pen pals!!:
I love having Pen pals, I learn about what guiding is like where they are, all the trips they go on and Sometimes trading badges!!
I recommend Pen Pals with all my heart!!
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This is my second post about pen pals! In my first I was looking for a pen pal and that is how I got into contact with Abby Williams my very first Pen pal! We are still constantly messaging each other through facebook, Blog comments, MSN, Email and post!
After meeting Abby I also put a post on the WAGGGS Facebook wall and it resulted in three more pen pals!!:
- Au Yeung (in Hong Kong)
- Puteri Nur Najwa (Malaysia)
- Magda Grabowska (Poland)
I love having Pen pals, I learn about what guiding is like where they are, all the trips they go on and Sometimes trading badges!!
I recommend Pen Pals with all my heart!!
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Friday, 17 June 2011
T-shirt Time!!
So last night was my very first BP night!! T-Shirt time! and it went quite well...I think :)
We decorated T-shirts using lots of random things and fabric pens!
When my time had finished nobody wanted to move onto the next activity!
Here are our T-shirts!!!
So last night was my very first BP night!! T-Shirt time! and it went quite well...I think :)
We decorated T-shirts using lots of random things and fabric pens!
When my time had finished nobody wanted to move onto the next activity!
Here are our T-shirts!!!
Here is me and mine!!
I had some "help" with mine, I let a guide who forgot her t-shirt decorate the back of mine with me as I had a clear image of the front it has the promise on it with a campfire and tent!! Anyway she put PASTAFISH in big capitals on the top the a peace symbol with a fish on it in the middle and A.K.A. PACAFIST on the bottom!!
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Wednesday, 15 June 2011
2 new trips to look forward to!!
I have received two, yes two, confirmation letters!! One for Curtain Up! 2011 (2009 was amazing!) and another for a International Opportunities Weekend at my Beloved Guideacres!
I loved putting on Joseph at Curtain Up! 2009, and this year it is at a new location and for a longer time!! I really can't wait for my schedule to arrive! Bring on the Drama!!, I love acting but I hope I get a good selection in other workshops too! :D
But the International Opportunities weekend will open the door to loads of other trips!! And its really soon! :D
I will write again tomorrow because it is my BP night!!
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I have received two, yes two, confirmation letters!! One for Curtain Up! 2011 (2009 was amazing!) and another for a International Opportunities Weekend at my Beloved Guideacres!
I loved putting on Joseph at Curtain Up! 2009, and this year it is at a new location and for a longer time!! I really can't wait for my schedule to arrive! Bring on the Drama!!, I love acting but I hope I get a good selection in other workshops too! :D
But the International Opportunities weekend will open the door to loads of other trips!! And its really soon! :D
I will write again tomorrow because it is my BP night!!
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Thursday, 9 June 2011
Just back from Guides!
I just got back from guides!! :D
We are doing the spring/summer part of our four seasons badge so we did a scavenger hunt and some umbrella races!?!?! it was really fun! :)
But the most important thing I have to say is we got a letter about a weekend at Guideacres (best Guide camping place ever!! right across from a scout camp!) and it was for an international opportunity weekend! If I get a place I might get to go trips to Switzerland or India or other awesome countries! and I could tell you all about it so fingers crossed that I get a place!!! :D
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I just got back from guides!! :D
We are doing the spring/summer part of our four seasons badge so we did a scavenger hunt and some umbrella races!?!?! it was really fun! :)
But the most important thing I have to say is we got a letter about a weekend at Guideacres (best Guide camping place ever!! right across from a scout camp!) and it was for an international opportunity weekend! If I get a place I might get to go trips to Switzerland or India or other awesome countries! and I could tell you all about it so fingers crossed that I get a place!!! :D
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Just back from Guides!
I just got back from guides!! :D
We are doing the spring/summer part of our four seasons badge so we did a scavenger hunt and some umbrella races!?!?! it was really fun! :)
But the most important thing I have to say is we got a letter about a weekend at Guideacres (best Guide camping place ever!! right across from a scout camp!) and it was for an international opportunity weekend! If I get a place I might get to go trips to Switzerland or India or other awesome countries! and I could tell you all about it so fingers crossed that I get a place!!! :D
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I just got back from guides!! :D
We are doing the spring/summer part of our four seasons badge so we did a scavenger hunt and some umbrella races!?!?! it was really fun! :)
But the most important thing I have to say is we got a letter about a weekend at Guideacres (best Guide camping place ever!! right across from a scout camp!) and it was for an international opportunity weekend! If I get a place I might get to go trips to Switzerland or India or other awesome countries! and I could tell you all about it so fingers crossed that I get a place!!! :D
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Wednesday, 8 June 2011
I'm Back from being busier then ever! :)
I haven't posted much over half term because I have been so busy with My Nana and Grampa's Golden wedding anniversary!
BUt I did have time for some guidey stuff, I did quite a bit towards my BP night (on the 15th) and I also made this:
It is a little scrap book to use during my BP and onwards! :) It hasn't really got a Guide theme as I used loads of stuff from my scrap box, but it is really cute any way! I am going to keep it the I will take pictures of it weekly so you can see all my bits and bobs from that weeks guides, I made it because I loved filling my Centenary one up!
I have also unearthed the fear of my unit... dun dun duhhhhhh....
It is my Wind up torch, that during "Poacher '08" wound up everyone on my sub-camp! I apparently wound it up in my sleep and the noise was so loud it woke everyone up, except me! Oh I can't wait to show them it tomorrow, I really wish you could see their faces when I have my torch.... Mwah ha ha ha... lol! :D
I also today got a package off ebay! It was a old Brownie belt with money pouch, but unfortunately it was tiny so we made it into a strap to go around my Camp Blanket and the pouch will hold the badges that need to be sewn on to it!
Isn't it the cutest belt ever!?!?!? it was only 28" so we had to make a hole but the previous owner had made some all ready so it didn't ruin a perfect item worthy of worship! :)
And in history we are studying the Plains Indians and our teacher Mr Rees is so funny, he gave us "Indian names" such as Many Thorn's for a girl called rose, Bloody Nose for a boy who just had a nose bleed, Many Buttons, Many Pens etc. etc. but when it came to me he had obviously had my Guides on mind! my "Indian name" is (Girl) Guiding Light! It was probably the closest to a real Indian name in the class, even sir had one "Non Matching Tie"!
I can't think of anything else "Guidey" that happened since my last post so...
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I haven't posted much over half term because I have been so busy with My Nana and Grampa's Golden wedding anniversary!
BUt I did have time for some guidey stuff, I did quite a bit towards my BP night (on the 15th) and I also made this:
It is a little scrap book to use during my BP and onwards! :) It hasn't really got a Guide theme as I used loads of stuff from my scrap box, but it is really cute any way! I am going to keep it the I will take pictures of it weekly so you can see all my bits and bobs from that weeks guides, I made it because I loved filling my Centenary one up!
I have also unearthed the fear of my unit... dun dun duhhhhhh....
It is my Wind up torch, that during "Poacher '08" wound up everyone on my sub-camp! I apparently wound it up in my sleep and the noise was so loud it woke everyone up, except me! Oh I can't wait to show them it tomorrow, I really wish you could see their faces when I have my torch.... Mwah ha ha ha... lol! :D
I also today got a package off ebay! It was a old Brownie belt with money pouch, but unfortunately it was tiny so we made it into a strap to go around my Camp Blanket and the pouch will hold the badges that need to be sewn on to it!
Isn't it the cutest belt ever!?!?!? it was only 28" so we had to make a hole but the previous owner had made some all ready so it didn't ruin a perfect item worthy of worship! :)
And in history we are studying the Plains Indians and our teacher Mr Rees is so funny, he gave us "Indian names" such as Many Thorn's for a girl called rose, Bloody Nose for a boy who just had a nose bleed, Many Buttons, Many Pens etc. etc. but when it came to me he had obviously had my Guides on mind! my "Indian name" is (Girl) Guiding Light! It was probably the closest to a real Indian name in the class, even sir had one "Non Matching Tie"!
I can't think of anything else "Guidey" that happened since my last post so...
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Sunday, 29 May 2011
I'm Back! and more determined then ever!
After the devastation about YELL I almost gave up on blogging but I am going to carry on, and do as much as possible so you will always have something to read!
The Catch up Story!
So I thought now I would catch you up on what has been happening with me and my guiding!
As you know my unit has held a Spring Fair to raise money for the GFF (Guide Friendship Fund) and we raised a whopping £280.10 which 2/3 will (hopefully) be going towards unit hoodies for Big Gig! and 1/3 going towards the GFF!
After the devastation about YELL I almost gave up on blogging but I am going to carry on, and do as much as possible so you will always have something to read!
The Catch up Story!
So I thought now I would catch you up on what has been happening with me and my guiding!
As you know my unit has held a Spring Fair to raise money for the GFF (Guide Friendship Fund) and we raised a whopping £280.10 which 2/3 will (hopefully) be going towards unit hoodies for Big Gig! and 1/3 going towards the GFF!
At the End of the Fair was the usual horse shoe and letter giving out, but the local Brownie leader Liza came up to us holding a beautiful Shield with "The GAP Award Guide Section" written on it! She went through a speech saying why they had chosen "this Guide" saying she was one of the most dedicated Guides they had ever met! and when it was presented to me I just froze, I couldn't move for about 2 seconds! I haven't got the big Shield Yet as it is being engraved but I have got this cute little "midget shield!"
I have also started my Baden Powell! At long last! My first activity will be held on the 16th of June and it is called T-Shirt Time! I don't want to say to much in case someone steals my idea but I will tell you about it afterwards!
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Saturday, 14 May 2011
56 Days to go!! and the last of the count down :'(
Today I got two letters in the post one was from My Friend Abby containing these:
And I absolutely love them both! But then I got a GirlGuiding UK Envelope:
And I was thinking this is my Confirmation Letter, But it wasn't :'(
I won't Translate the entire letter but I will the most important bit "I regret to inform you that due to a low number of bookings, we have had to make the decision not to go ahead with this event." I was so shocked and sad, I hadn't even applied for another event this year other then Big Gig because it was going to be so expensive!
But I am not going to stop blogging just because of this, I will find another big event to talk about and look forward to!
Thanks for reading my extremely short journey to Guides: Y.E.L.L. 2011!
Sarah :(
Today I got two letters in the post one was from My Friend Abby containing these:
And I absolutely love them both! But then I got a GirlGuiding UK Envelope:
And I was thinking this is my Confirmation Letter, But it wasn't :'(
I won't Translate the entire letter but I will the most important bit "I regret to inform you that due to a low number of bookings, we have had to make the decision not to go ahead with this event." I was so shocked and sad, I hadn't even applied for another event this year other then Big Gig because it was going to be so expensive!
But I am not going to stop blogging just because of this, I will find another big event to talk about and look forward to!
Thanks for reading my extremely short journey to Guides: Y.E.L.L. 2011!
Sarah :(
Friday, 13 May 2011
57 Days to go!!! and a uniform style!
We all know the Official GirlGuiding UK Uniform for Guides is Navy blue and a bit plain (I do like it lots though)! But for Y.E.L.L. as well as taking that I have a few other Guiding Tops which I thought You would like to see!
We all know the Official GirlGuiding UK Uniform for Guides is Navy blue and a bit plain (I do like it lots though)! But for Y.E.L.L. as well as taking that I have a few other Guiding Tops which I thought You would like to see!
The two above are from a Sleepover at the Deep!
The two above are from Vision (The Centenary Finale)
But I also Have a couple of Guide Tops From other Countries!
New Zealand is Above
Australian top Front
Australian top Back
And in the way of Hoodies I have this one:
From Poacher 2008
They will all be Going with me to Y.E.L.L!
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Thursday, 12 May 2011
58 days to go!!! and just back from guides!!
I'm just in from guides! We made posters for the spring fair, I am doing guess a number and when I wasn't concentrating I accidently write guess a nube and now its the joke of the unit and is probably going to end up in the unit scrapbook!
After the posters my idea was anonymously pit before the unit and everyone thought it sounded fun so it looks like the units getting a pen pal unit in another country! Can't wait!
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I'm just in from guides! We made posters for the spring fair, I am doing guess a number and when I wasn't concentrating I accidently write guess a nube and now its the joke of the unit and is probably going to end up in the unit scrapbook!
After the posters my idea was anonymously pit before the unit and everyone thought it sounded fun so it looks like the units getting a pen pal unit in another country! Can't wait!
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58 Days to go!!! and the results are in!!
A couple of weeks ago I posted this picture! It is My History project on "Girl Guides in WW2" and today I got it back! And Here is the comment I got!
A couple of weeks ago I posted this picture! It is My History project on "Girl Guides in WW2" and today I got it back! And Here is the comment I got!
"A superbly indept study of a focused topic well done excellent research!"
I am really please that I got the highest mark possible on my project! I hope I have done the "Girl Guides in WW2" justice with it!
I will post again after Guides Tonight about what we have done!
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Tuesday, 10 May 2011
60 Days to go!! and a bit of Handy Work!!
Hello Again my Minute audience!
I have been Designing and making Puter Jewelry in Jewelry and my theme (obviously) Is Guiding! Unfortunately My pendant is not finished yet, but just for you I have sneaked it out and photographed it so that you could see it so far! And Here it is! It needs Filing, Drilling and Polishing but when thats done I will post the final result on here for you to see! I love it so far and wish I could give one to each and every one of my followers (meaning you) but I can't :'( because Puter is very expensive...
I would also like to know your opinion on my idea: I buy either a large or two normal sized white T-shirts and some fabric pens and get my unit to write all their good luck messages, Opinions and Suggestions on them for when I go to Y.E.L.L! (don't forget if I did it you would get a before and after of the shirt!) but my Best Friend (who is also a Guide) called Melissa is unsure about the idea! and because of this I have decided to put up a (funny) old picture of her from a camp we went to when I was 10! I own the only copy of this photo and therefore give you all the right to use this as you will! LOL
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I have been Designing and making Puter Jewelry in Jewelry and my theme (obviously) Is Guiding! Unfortunately My pendant is not finished yet, but just for you I have sneaked it out and photographed it so that you could see it so far! And Here it is! It needs Filing, Drilling and Polishing but when thats done I will post the final result on here for you to see! I love it so far and wish I could give one to each and every one of my followers (meaning you) but I can't :'( because Puter is very expensive...
I would also like to know your opinion on my idea: I buy either a large or two normal sized white T-shirts and some fabric pens and get my unit to write all their good luck messages, Opinions and Suggestions on them for when I go to Y.E.L.L! (don't forget if I did it you would get a before and after of the shirt!) but my Best Friend (who is also a Guide) called Melissa is unsure about the idea! and because of this I have decided to put up a (funny) old picture of her from a camp we went to when I was 10! I own the only copy of this photo and therefore give you all the right to use this as you will! LOL
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Saturday, 7 May 2011
63 Days to go!!! and a mascot at hand!!
Hello Again!
I thought today I would write about mascots! Our Unit (1st Driffield) has an unofficial mascot, which belongs to, me called Mervin, or as all the Guides call him Moosey. He is known by all the Guides in our unit as he goes on every trip we go on! But he is not allowed to travel to people unless I give him permission, this means he has been on more Guide trips then me!
I Do own a lot of Guide Teddies that are freely allowed to Travel! (thats where they all stay together!)
I thought today I would write about mascots! Our Unit (1st Driffield) has an unofficial mascot, which belongs to, me called Mervin, or as all the Guides call him Moosey. He is known by all the Guides in our unit as he goes on every trip we go on! But he is not allowed to travel to people unless I give him permission, this means he has been on more Guide trips then me!
I Do own a lot of Guide Teddies that are freely allowed to Travel! (thats where they all stay together!)
Thats Jo in the Hoodie
Thats Skye in the Centenary top
Thats Snow Flake in the Big Gig top
Thats Cloud (not to get mixed up with Skye)
This is Toffee in the old Guide Top
That is Beth in the Guide Polo
And This is Candy in the Pink Big Gig top!
If you want to have any of my teddies visit you please comment below and tell me why!
Comment Below and don't forget to follow!
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
66 Days to Go!!! and how about wristbands?
Hello again!
Today my new friend Abby (who is my first PenPal) has inspired me to think about wrist bands! I have a Guide one all ready from the centenary Finale! so I know that they are a great idea, but whilst doing my research I have found out that they are really, really expensive with little profit margin to raise money with :( but I am not leaving this idea to dust! If I did get some made to sell between £1 and £1.20 (so there would be profit) how many of the people who read this blog think people would buy them?
I would like them in blue, pink and yellow swirls with "I helped Sarah 2 Y.E.L.L!" and a trefoil on them! do they sound good/nice?
Please comment below and don't forget to follow!
Today my new friend Abby (who is my first PenPal) has inspired me to think about wrist bands! I have a Guide one all ready from the centenary Finale! so I know that they are a great idea, but whilst doing my research I have found out that they are really, really expensive with little profit margin to raise money with :( but I am not leaving this idea to dust! If I did get some made to sell between £1 and £1.20 (so there would be profit) how many of the people who read this blog think people would buy them?
I would like them in blue, pink and yellow swirls with "I helped Sarah 2 Y.E.L.L!" and a trefoil on them! do they sound good/nice?
Please comment below and don't forget to follow!
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
67 Days to go!!! and its Back 2 School!!
Hello Again! Sarah Here!
Today I went back to school but, I and, everyone seemed to be asleep! so it wasn't very lively, but it was still good to see everyone again! I finally saw my Best Friend Melissa, also a Guide, after two weeks of no contact other then texting!
I also handed in my WW2 project on the Girl Guides! I have added a picture of the final project! What do you think?
Before I finish I would like to give a shout out to my new Friend Abby's blog: http://aguidingjourney.blogspot.com/ please check it out! :)
Comment below and don't forget to follow!
Today I went back to school but, I and, everyone seemed to be asleep! so it wasn't very lively, but it was still good to see everyone again! I finally saw my Best Friend Melissa, also a Guide, after two weeks of no contact other then texting!
I also handed in my WW2 project on the Girl Guides! I have added a picture of the final project! What do you think?
Before I finish I would like to give a shout out to my new Friend Abby's blog: http://aguidingjourney.blogspot.com/ please check it out! :)
Comment below and don't forget to follow!
Sunday, 1 May 2011
70 Days to go! and I am so sorry I haven't written!
I feel really bad about not writing lately :'(
But I haven't had much to say! I know it is the holiday but I haven't really done much other then got a new phone and downloaded a Blogger app ready for when i go to Y. E.L.L. so I can tell you straight away what's happening!
Oh and I am so glad I have 2 new followers that comment :)
Comment below and don't forget to follow!
But I haven't had much to say! I know it is the holiday but I haven't really done much other then got a new phone and downloaded a Blogger app ready for when i go to Y. E.L.L. so I can tell you straight away what's happening!
Oh and I am so glad I have 2 new followers that comment :)
Comment below and don't forget to follow!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
Sunday, 17 April 2011
83 Days to go! and some changes!
Hi its me again! and I am so sorry it has almost been a week since I last wrote :'( but nothing has happened to me really! So I thought today I would talk a bit more about Y.E.L.L!
I have just checked out the website and the age range has just opened up ,from 12 to 14, to 10 to 16. This will allow senior section to go as well! But I was wondering why they had done this, because the closing date was the 4th of April, but it has been extended to the 6th of May! So I am thinking there wasn't that much interest in it! and I can't think of anything except maybe the £350 price was a bit high for everyone who wanted to go! But even so this is great as the age range is wider so there will be a variety of guides going, all taking a different opinion to the 34th World conference!
I am really excited!
Comment below and don't forget to follow!!!(pretty please)!!!
I have just checked out the website and the age range has just opened up ,from 12 to 14, to 10 to 16. This will allow senior section to go as well! But I was wondering why they had done this, because the closing date was the 4th of April, but it has been extended to the 6th of May! So I am thinking there wasn't that much interest in it! and I can't think of anything except maybe the £350 price was a bit high for everyone who wanted to go! But even so this is great as the age range is wider so there will be a variety of guides going, all taking a different opinion to the 34th World conference!
I am really excited!
Comment below and don't forget to follow!!!(pretty please)!!!
Monday, 11 April 2011
89 Days to go! And not much to say!
Not Much has happened lately! The weather has been lovely and bright! The Bullying has been to a minimum! I have been flooded with homework! and I had to walk around school with a Cuddly toy I made in textiles called "Tipsy Topsy Turvy Tabby Bob Bobberella Bobita Jeremy Jo Josephine Supercallefrajalisticexpialidocious Antidisestablishmentarianism Humanukanukaapuaimalahinimalahiniwhoo Smitten Darley" or "TTTTBBBJJJSAHSD" but I just call her "Tipsy" (its alot easier to say!)
Thats it basically!
Comment Below and don't forget to Follow!
Thats it basically!
Comment Below and don't forget to Follow!
Thursday, 7 April 2011
93 Days to go! and over 100 badges!
Yesterday I got my 100th badge! and to celebrate I got a.................................................nother Badge! This is a centenary one so it has 100 written on it!
Also does anyone know where the best place to get hoodies made up would be because we are looking into getting some made for Big Gig!!
Post a comment below and don't forget to follow!
Also does anyone know where the best place to get hoodies made up would be because we are looking into getting some made for Big Gig!!
Post a comment below and don't forget to follow!
Monday, 4 April 2011
96 Days To Go!!! S.W.A.P.S.!
HI Everyone! Today I am going to talk about SWAPS!
a SWAPS is a:
or a SWAP is a
I love SWAPS and would love to swap them with anyone out there! My signature SWAPS is these wool flowers:
a SWAPS is a:
or a SWAP is a
I love SWAPS and would love to swap them with anyone out there! My signature SWAPS is these wool flowers:
But I also Make these trefoil Charms which I have taught my unit how to make for our Spring Fair, in aid of our unit!, which will hopefully lower the price of some of our trips!
SWAPS can be displayed using anything, I display mine using a centenary bucket hat!
But for My SWAPS from Yell I have made a special Lanyard, it is made out of a pink and a blue ribbon sewn together at the back and tied into a friendship knott at the front.
Now that my post is so long I had better stop!
So Comment below and don't forget to Follow!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
97 Days to go! and I am on Twitter (finally)
Today I have joined the Tweeting community!which in Result I have my first follower! Yey! so thats one off the list!
Follow my Tweets on the Link below!
Other then that not much to say this Sunday!!
Comment below and don't forget to follow!
Follow my Tweets on the Link below!
Other then that not much to say this Sunday!!
Comment below and don't forget to follow!
Saturday, 2 April 2011
98 days to go! Finally into double figures!
Hi once again!
Today I received my 99th badge! one more and that 100! so I am on my way to filling my camp blanket in time for Y.E.L.L. !
At the moment I really want a Guiding or Scouting Pen-Pal (preferably around my own age) to write to about anything and everything going on in our lives, and possibly to swap district badges etc etc! If you are wanting to be my Pen-Pal post a comment below and I will get back to you!
Today I received my 99th badge! one more and that 100! so I am on my way to filling my camp blanket in time for Y.E.L.L. !
At the moment I really want a Guiding or Scouting Pen-Pal (preferably around my own age) to write to about anything and everything going on in our lives, and possibly to swap district badges etc etc! If you are wanting to be my Pen-Pal post a comment below and I will get back to you!
Thursday, 31 March 2011
100 Days to go!! And to excited with not much today!
With exactly 100 days to go I should be full of things to say! But I am not! I don't know what to put! So I thought I would make a pre-Y.E.L.L. check list and here it is!
- Get the Password for the Y.E.L.L. forum!
- Get a good Grade on My Guiding WW2 Project!
- Get the Craft Stall at our Guide Fete!
- Go on loads of trips!
- Get some followers on this Blog!
- Fill My Camp Blanket!
- Get to know some of the Guides going on Y.E.L.L. !
- Start My Baden Powell!
- Complete all four challenge badges!
- And Have Fun!
I hope that I will do all these (no matter how far fetched!
Especially get some followers as I feel like I am talking to Myself!
Type to you Soon!
Sarah xoxo
Monday, 28 March 2011
104 Days to go! Lets talk camp Blankets!
I absolutely love Camp Blankets! I love the fact that you will never find two the same! They each have their own identity! They tell the story of your Guiding or Scouting story!
My Camp Blanket is nearing 100 badges! and it has three necker's on it (two from Poachers and one old Unit one)! I love it I am trying to fill it up before Y.E.L.L. but I obviously have a long way to go!
I want to see your camp blanket(s)! Post it in a comment below! and Don't forget to follow!
My Camp Blanket is nearing 100 badges! and it has three necker's on it (two from Poachers and one old Unit one)! I love it I am trying to fill it up before Y.E.L.L. but I obviously have a long way to go!
I want to see your camp blanket(s)! Post it in a comment below! and Don't forget to follow!
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